Classified Ads for Subscribers
Did you know that Classified ads for “For Sale” and “Wanted” items are free to Vintage Truck subscribers? Not a subscriber? Click here.
Subscribers get 1 free ad per issue up to 30 words. A word, in this case, is any combination of letters or numbers separated by a space.
Example of 22-word Classified advertisement
In the 22-word ad above, “3-speed” counts as 1 word, even though it is hyphenated, and the state indicator of “NJ” is not counted. We’ve placed one red dot after each word for purposes of illustration.
What if I need to use more than 30 words?
The subscriber will pay $.50 for each word over the initial 30. Items must be for pre-1980 trucks or toys, parts, and literature related to them.
What if I want to include a photograph?
To include a color photo with a Classified ad, add $48 for a 1-inch photo and $63 for a 1.5-inch photo.
What if I want my Classified ad to really stand out?
There is a Deluxe Classified option that allows bold lettering and yellow highlighting for $.70 a word, but it cannot be combined with a free subscriber ad. Visit this page for non-subscribers for more information on the Deluxe option.
Example of Deluxe Classified option
Free Classified ads for subscribers may be submitted by:
U.S. mail
filling out and electronically submitting the form below (good only for 30-word-or-less free ads without photos)
No Classified ads will be taken by phone.
Send ads to:
Vintage Truck Classified Ad Dept.
c/o Ertel Publishing
PO Box 838
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
937-767-1433 phone
We reserve the right to alter ads for style.
Requirements for Submitting Classified Ads
Place “For Sale” and “Wanted” ads on separate sheets of paper.
Please separate ad submissions from other correspondence.
To qualify for the free ad, subscribers must include a copy of the current mailing label or name, VT number (seen below in yellow), and expiration info from the label. If this label or information is not received and there is no form of payment, the ad will not run.
Sample mailing label